“I met Harris in 2005 when he was contracted out by a former employer of mine. Harris was brought in at a time of great uncertainty and inefficiency as the organization was going through a period of extreme growth. Harris’ proven methods helped to instill structure through improved policies, procedures and processes to turn us into a world class IT department. In addition to organizational structure, Harris also instilled structure into the lives of our individual team members. Regardless of what policies were in place we needed the right people to implement them. Through Harris’ mentoring platform, he worked with each team member individually to increase staff productivity by improving communication, leadership and time management skills. By instilling discipline into the individuals and into the department, Harris helped us to adapt to the changes associated with organizational growth and left us in a position to be successful as a department and as individuals. “
Jeff Kimmel
Boston Money Manager
“Harris brought tremendous energy and depth of industry knowledge to his facilitation and advice. As a result of his insight and guidance during the planning stage we have very successfully merged our IT and Broadcast Engineering Teams into one Television Technology Group based around a formal service management framework.”
Neil Andrew
Head of Operations & Technology
Television New Zealand
“Organizations with great products and plenty of resources often fail to achieve great results. Kern’s proven approach to this problem is grounded in years of experience and substantiated by the many world-class organizations he has touched.”
Leonard Kim
CIO, GE Capital Global Consumer Finance
“Harris’s experience, knowledge, and thought leadership helped guide us through the transition from mainframe to an open systems computing environment. His candid assessment of our strategy and staff helped us formulate a plan that resulted in a smooth transition to this new computing environment.
I have also found value in his education materials, which presents an easy to understand guide to many of today’s technologies and organizational issues.”
William L. Parker
Vice President Information Services
Agway Inc.
“When I need advice on IT issues I seek out one of the most prominent experts in this field, Harris Kern. This best-selling author has travelled all over the world advising Enterprise Global 2000 companies on how to improve their IT performance. His proven philosophies emphasize the need to focus first on organization, people, processes, and finally on technology, rather than the more common reverse order.”
Kenneth Moskowitz
Standard and Poor’s